What really happened at the Trucker Commission?


This is a free episode of The Gunn Show, which airs every Wed @ 9pm ET | 7pm MT. To watch new feature-length, ad-free episodes, become a subscriber to RebelNews+. This episode originally aired on February 22, 2023.

If you got all your news from the mainstream media, you would think that the Public Order Emergency Commission (POEC) heard testimony that the nation's capital was under siege by aggressive militants causing mayhem and destruction everywhere they went like a band of truck-driving marauders.

But that's not what happened, not that it mattered because reality didn't matter at the end of the day.

The weeks' long Freedom Convoy protests in Ottawa against covid restrictions were sometimes loud, maybe even annoying. Still, they were never violent, foreign-funded, or dangerous and left the place cleaner than when they arrived.

If the protests were a violent, seditious siege — as the mainstream media and some of the more boring Ottawa locals suggest — the Freedom Convoy wasn't good at it. The demonstrators outnumbered the police at every turn. And even in the face of violence against them, they never reacted in kind.

But according to Justice Paul Rouleau, the Freedom Convoy was a national security threat — one that did zero violence in over three weeks — and Trudeau's invocation of martial law to end the protests last February was justified.

I disagree, and so does my guest tonight. It's Kian Simone, Rebel News' Chief Documentary Filmmaker. He joins me tonight to discuss his time in Ottawa covering the POEC and his new movie, Trucker Commission: Trudeau on Trial.

Tickets for in-person showings are still available at www.TrudeauOnTrial.com.

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Articles written by staff at Rebel News to help tell the other side of the story. 


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