When your freedoms are casually stripped away
Ezra Levant discusses some of the latest actions by government leaders in furthering the medical tyranny seen all around the world. As just one of these examples, New South Wales Deputy Premier John Barilaro said in press conference earlier this week that those "who choose not to be vaccinated... will lose their freedoms on the 11th of October."
Discussing the statement by New South Wales Deputy Premier John Barilaro on yesterday's Rebel News DAILY Livestream, Ezra said:
See it for yourself... He's not saying if you're sick— almost no one is sick down there, I don't have their hospitalization stats in front of me, but thery're very modest— but you will lose your freedom. Not for being sick, which would be immoral in itself, but for not taking a medical injection— you will lose your freedoms.
Rebel News DAILY Livestreams broadcast at noon ET/10 a.m. MT right here on RebelNews.com and across all of our streaming platforms.