100% of government focus group say Canada's immigration system 'headed in the wrong direction'

On last night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Levant discussed the results of a Privy Council focus group on immigration that showed 100% of respondents believe Canada is "heading in the wrong direction."

Blacklock's Reporter noted that participants also universally opposed the mass immigration that has taken place in Canada over the last few years.

The Liberal government's current immigration targets are aimed at welcoming 485,000 people this year, 500,000 next year, and 500,000 more in 2026. These numbers do not include the additional 1,040,985 foreign students and 766,250 foreign workers let into the country last year.

Speaking about the spike in international students in recent years, Levant said, "Most of those foreign students, they're not at U of T or UBC or Dalhousie or another real university."

"Most of them have signed up for fake diploma mills where a fake college is set up, charges enormous tuition, but what they're really selling is a student visa to get in the country," he said.

Commenting on the significant increase in foreign workers, Levant said, "Why are we bringing in 766,000 people to work at every Tim Hortons and McDonald's drive-through and every 7-11 in the country?"

"Why can't young Canadians have those jobs? The obvious answer is that Tim Hortons and the rest of them want to pay very very low wages to these foreign workers, beneath what they would pay Canadians," he added.

Levant went on to say, "These foreign workers drive down wages and take jobs that Canadian citizens wouldn't or couldn't take or aren't invited to take at those low wages."

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