Call the Election!

At first glance, it looks like Justin Trudeau has resigned as prime minister. That’s the big headline. And looking at the sad faces on the CBC, you’d think it was a funeral.

But it’s not true. Trudeau is still the prime minister. And he will be for many months to come.

If you listen carefully to what he said, he’ll resign only after the Liberal Party elects its new leader. But that could be many months in the future.

And, to make sure no-one kicks him out, he’s convinced the Governor General to “prorogue” Parliament — that means all Parliamentary business is suspended. No debates, no votes, no question period. All pending legislation is vapourized. Trudeau escapes any scrutiny or accountability.

Most importantly, MPs won’t be able to vote non-confidence in him.

He’s at 16% in the polls, his own MPs despise him, but he says he’s going to hang on to power and all the perks of being prime minister as long as he can.

Even when Parliament comes back on March 24th, he didn’t say he’d resign then.

He’s still probably scheming with the NDP to get them to prop him up, as they always do.

In other words, nothing has actually changed, other than Trudeau has managed to avoid taking responsibility, yet again. (In his self-serving speech today, he didn’t take any responsibility. He blamed “internal battles” in his own party. He thinks he’s done nothing wrong — ever.)

But he’s not done. In fact, expect a flurry of activity. Trudeau will be appointing every crony, every pal, every donor to lucrative patronage positions. He’ll be signing massive sole-source contracts to friends. Passing insane executive orders. He’s going to raid the treasury like never before. And he’ll shred incriminating documents and delete emails like Hillary Clinton on speed.

But there’s something else that’s dangerous: the Liberal Party’s shocking membership rules allow foreign citizens, and teenagers as young as 14, to vote to choose the new leader. That’s how the Chinese Communist Party infiltrated 11 different ridings in the last election. And I just saw a prominent Hamas supporter, Mohamed Fakih, ordering his troops to sign up to the Liberal Party en masse.

It’s disgusting that foreign activists will be able to pick our prime minister before the rest of us are allowed to exercise our rights as citizens in an election.

The entire country is being put second while Trudeau puts himself and his Liberal cronies first.

What a disgrace. And it’s absolutely damaging to Canada. All of this is happening just days before Donald Trump is sworn in as president. Trump has threatened massive tariffs against Canada if we don’t strengthen our border to stop illegal drugs and migrants from entering the U.S.

We have a lame-duck prime minister with no mandate, no public support and no Parliament. Trudeau and Trump hate each other. We’re going to be devoured.

So what can we do?

Here’s what we’re going to do:

1. Put pressure on the Governor General and Trudeau’s lame-duck government

The Governor General should never have allowed Trudeau to prorogue Parliament. She needs to realize we’re in a government crisis and the business of the country cannot take a back seat to the private interests of the Liberal Party.

We’re going to deploy our Rebel News digital billboard truck to Ottawa to send a message to Trudeau — and to the spineless GG for obeying him.

We’re also going to ramp up our petition to Call The Election, which is already closing in on 10,000 names. We’ll deliver that to the GG, and to Trudeau.

Call the Election!

17,074 signatures
Goal: 25,000 signatures

Justin Trudeau has announced he will resign as Prime Minister only after the Liberal Party selects a new leader. But why should Canadians wait? Trudeau must call a federal election immediately to face the consequences of his leadership. If you agree, sign this petition. Demand Justin Trudeau call an election immediately!

Will you sign?

And of course we’ll keep promoting our new book, “Trudeau’s Secret Plan”, which outlines how atrocious he is, and the case against him.

2. Vet the Liberal leadership race

We know the regime media won’t vet the candidates vying for Trudeau’s job. The media never vetted them before, so why would they now? They love Chrystia Freeland and they are dazzled by Mark Carney. We’ll have to do the work the CBC won’t do — with on-the-ground accountability questions, Access to Information requests and other citizen journalism.

Just as important, we’re going to watch how the Liberals run their leadership contest — reporting on how millions of temporary foreign workers, international students and other foreigners influence the outcome.

3. Get ready for the real election

Because of Trudeau’s games — and the Governor General’s obedience to him — there’s no chance of an election before May. But it’s time for us to start getting ready. Rebel News already has the biggest team of any independent media outlet in Canada. We’ll deploy our thirteen reporters and videographers to the streets of Canada, from Drea Humphrey in Vancouver to Alexa Lavoie in Montreal, and everywhere in between, plus three full-time writers, too. That’s sixteen journalists — but pound for pound, they’re worth 100 CBC reporters, because they don’t take a dime in government money.

But today we also started hiring special freelancers for the election, to cover some of the gaps we have on the ground. For example, Andy Lee, an investigative journalist specializing in Chinese Communist Party infiltration of Canadian politics. When the writ drops, we’ll be ready.

We’re also ready legally: this afternoon I spoke with our lawyer, and told him to send a warning letter to Trudeau’s Debates Commission, which has tried to block Rebel News reporters in the past two elections from even attending. I’m afraid they’re going to try to do it again, which means we’re going to have to file an emergency lawsuit again.

So that’s our campaign plan. It starts now, by shaming Trudeau and the Governor General with our billboard truck, book and petition. It continues by vetting the Liberal leadership candidates and auditing the Liberal leadership process. And then it gets serious during the election itself, with sixteen journalists battling not just the Liberals, but against the CBC itself, which will be in full-on panic mode, trying to save themselves.

I estimate the total cost of these three pieces to be $100,000. But I’ve got amazing news.

Last week I spoke to a donor from British Columbia — he wants to remain private, so I’m calling him “Mr. L.”

Mr. L said he’ll match any Rebel News donors up to a total of $50,000. As in, if you give $10, he’ll match it with $10. If you give $100, he’ll match it with $100. He’s in for $50,000 — just incredible!

So your gift is automatically doubled! (You can tell Mr. L is not a big fan of Justin Trudeau.)

Please help us build our war chest.

Please help Rebel News fight back in Campaign 2025!

Justin Trudeau’s so-called resignation is a sham — he’s clinging to power, proroguing Parliament, and setting the stage for cronyism and foreign interference in the Liberal leadership race. Rebel News is fighting back by exposing Trudeau’s scheme, vetting the Liberal Party leadership race, and gearing up for the next election with fearless, independent journalism. A generous but anonymous donor has committed to match every dollar donated to this campaign up to $50,000, doubling the impact of your donation. Please chip in now and help Rebel News defend Canadian democracy!


And if you give $250 or more, not only will Mr. L match that, but I’ll send you a hand-signed copy of my new book, Trudeau’s Secret Plan. It’s terrifying reading, if I do say so myself — and remember, despite today’s theatrics, Trudeau isn’t going anywhere for many months.

Let’s get ready to rumble!

Yours truly,

Ezra Levant

P.S. The CBC gets $1.5 billion/year taken from Canadians through taxes — and Pierre Poilievre has promised to take that away from them. So they’re going to pour everything they can into propping up Trudeau and his successor. That’s what we’re up against. So we need your help. Luckily Mr. L has agreed to match all donations up to $50,000! Please chip in now.

P.P.S. And if you can give $250, I’ll also send you a hand-signed copy of my new book about Trudeau. I promise you, it has things about him that you haven’t read before! Please help. (Thanks!)

Please help Rebel News fight back in Campaign 2025!

Justin Trudeau’s so-called resignation is a sham — he’s clinging to power, proroguing Parliament, and setting the stage for cronyism and foreign interference in the Liberal leadership race. Rebel News is fighting back by exposing Trudeau’s scheme, vetting the Liberal Party leadership race, and gearing up for the next election with fearless, independent journalism. A generous but anonymous donor has committed to match every dollar donated to this campaign up to $50,000, doubling the impact of your donation. Please chip in now and help Rebel News defend Canadian democracy!


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