Down goes Brown! But is Sneaky Patrick totally out of the CPC leadership race?
Talk about a bombshell! Late Tuesday night, a statement was released by the Conservative Party of Canada. Namely, CPC leadership candidate Patrick Brown was disqualified as a result of “serious allegations of wrongdoing” according to Ian Brodie, chair of the CPC leadership election organizing committee.
Brodie stated that the allegations related to financial provisions of the Canada Elections Act, but did not provide further tangible details.
The Brown campaign issued a statement denouncing the disqualification. “This decision is based on anonymous allegations. Our campaign was never provided with the full details or evidence of these allegations, failing an event basic requirement of due process,” read the statement.
The question arises: when it comes to who’s telling the truth, does one believe the CPC — or Mr. Brown, a man who has a horrific track record when it comes to telling the truth?
In the hours and days ahead, it will be most interesting to see if the CPC releases further details of the wrongdoing allegations — and if Brown will indeed file a lawsuit against the CPC.
Par for the course, it should be noted that the Mayor of Brampton took to the TV and radio airwaves to play the victim card — and to blame Rebel News for our reporting. (We revealed last month that several senior City of Brampton staffers had been allegedly working on the Brown CPC leadership campaign during business hours without taking unpaid leaves of absence. It is uncertain at this point if this report had anything to do with the CPC decision to oust Brown.)
Indeed, on Wednesday afternoon we returned to Brown’s secret campaign headquarters in Vaughan, but the office was either devoid of workers or nobody would open the door.
Meanwhile, five Brampton city councillors issued a press release on Wednesday denouncing Mayor Brown. The title: “After Patrick Brown’s CPC disqualification, his scandalous time inside Brampton City Hall also needs to end.”
The impetus for the release is that Brown and councillors loyal to him have not shown up for the last four council meetings in a row. With a lack of a quorum, council meetings cannot legally proceed. (Surely the fact that these councillors want to proceed with forensic investigations pertaining to how Brown has managed business dealings and hidings in Brampton has nothing to do with the mayor’s reluctance to attend meetings…)
Stay tuned for more potential scandals to come on the Brown file.
David Menzies
Mission Specialist
David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.