INTERVIEW: Independent MP Derek Sloan to form "True North" federal party

I can finally tell you about a big secret that we at Rebel News have known about for a month. Renegade Ontario independent conservative MP Derek Sloan is starting his own party: Sloan says the name for his new venture will be the “True North” party, pending an approval from Elections Canada.

Back in June, I attended a small home church gathering in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia. Sloan was the guest of honour at the church, and was in town raising awareness for his then-upcoming summit on Parliament Hill regarding the silencing of medical professionals. (The summit went on to be the number one viewed video on CPAC's YouTube page, but has since been removed and ironically, silenced.)

I had the pleasure of being granted an exclusive interview with Sloan, where we spoke about the threat of COVID vaccine passports, his convictions, and his sense of responsibility to the people over politics. In a candid moment after conducting the interview, he subtly mentioned to me that he was planning on starting a new political party, which he says would vastly change the landscape of Canadian politics.

In hopes of capturing the excitement of the moment, I asked Derek and his media coordinator if we could conduct another interview about the new party, and approach it as a time capsule of sorts. He agreed under the condition that we would not publicize this revelation until his campaign did so first. This report is the interview from that day.


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