EXCLUSIVE: James Topp corrects media misinformation on pending court-martial

Canadian soldier James Topp inspired countless people across the nation when he took on the seemingly impossible task of marching across our great nation in opposition to vaccine mandates. I was very fortunate to speak with him when he reached Calgary, a few weeks after he’d set out from Vancouver.

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Despite the onerous task ahead of him at that time, the veteran’s confident and calm demeanour left little doubt in my mind that he was going to complete this mission and that he had certainly zero doubts on that front.

A few months passed and Topp reached his destination, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Ottawa, and on Canada Day no less. The moment when he knelt, touched the monument, and wept will be in the history books of this nation and was undoubtedly seared into the minds of many in attendance and many watching at home.

Though Topp has shied away from the comparison, for many his actions brought to mind another Canadian hero, Terry Fox. Topp acquitted himself with civility, stated the basis for this march when asked and got the job done, plain and simple. Those who disagreed with his opposition to vaccine mandates were hellbent on destroying his reputation.

They lied, called him a fascist and vilified him at every turn. The attacks were nothing new for Trudeau-esque progressive thugs who said similar things about anyone opposed to forced vaccinations. Most people, Topp included, merely disregarded the malicious attacks.

Not wanting to let Topp have a moment in the spotlight after his herculean march across Canada, the mainstream media, as though planned, immediately ran with an inundation of articles with headlines about him being court-martialed.

While the headlines may have been factually accurate in a sense, most of these stories were seemingly hell-bent on painting a picture of Topp as a disreputable character, either because of a lack of journalistic due diligence or in many cases, potentially out of malice.

Most articles completely excluded the real facts of the story, including the reality that it was Topp and his legal team who had requested a court-martial months prior, and that he knew this was an inevitability as soon as he decided to speak out. While the media endeavoured once again to demonize Topp, despite their best efforts, they were only further highlighting the extent of the sacrifice this veteran knowingly made when he bravely stepped forward to decry un-Canadian and unconstitutional vaccine mandates.

I was joined by James Topp to set the record straight on this matter once and for all. We also discussed the leg of the journey that is now behind him, and his plans to continue his march eastward across Canada.

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