Ezra Levant on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II

In case you somehow managed to miss it, Queen Elizabeth II passed away yesterday — truly marking the end of an era. As the United Kingdom now prepares to lay the Her Majesty to rest, and Queen Elizabeth's son now becomes King Charles III, 10 days of mourning are now underway. 

On yesterday's Rebel News DAILY Livestream, Ezra Levant gave his thoughts on the reign of the longest-serving British monarch.

Speaking of Queen Elizabeth's influence during the turbulence faced by Britain during the Second World War, Ezra said: 

I think because she, as you heard [in a previous clip from the show], she gave that speech as a 14 year old to tell other kids not to worry, that everything would be fine in the Second World War, when they didn't know it would be fine, when things were tough and they were going to get tougher still.

So she lived through that. And the blitz. And the Battle of Britain. And V1 and V2 rockets landing on London and so she never forgot how bad things could get, she never forgot the importance of the military.

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