The Canadian government pledges $11.1 million to mRNA research – will any go towards vaccine injuries?
This past Monday, Rebel News was on site to cover the federal government’s announcement to pledge $11.1 million dollars for research in British Columbia, aiming to further the efficiency and delivery of mRNA vaccines.
We were also there to ask an important question about how much, if any, of that funding would be going towards research designed to better understand how safe the rushed-to-market mRNA vaccine technology has been for our most vulnerable, our children.
Minister of International Development, MP Harjit Sajjan at UBC announced the Federal Gov funding of 11 million dollars for research to advance mRNA vaccines. Will he answer my question about how much money is going toward understanding adverse reactions?
— Hungry for Truth with Drea Humphrey (@DreaHumphrey) October 3, 2022
“This funding will support two complimentary projects that will enhance the delivery and the efficiency of mRNA vaccines,” said Vancouver South MP and Minister of International Development Harjit S. Sajjan at the beginning of the announcement. Sajjan is also the minister responsible for the Pacific Economic Development Agency of Canada (PacifiCan), which is the regional development agency that will be receiving the millions of taxpayer dollars to fund such research projects at the University of British Columbia (UBC).
Sajjan did acknowledge during the announcement that there are in fact adverse reactions to these novel medical interventions. He stated, “3.5 million of this funding will go to support research to optimize how mRNA vaccines are administered on the cellular level, improving their uptakes into the body. Now this can streamline the production of existing vaccines and reduce side effects.”
As seen on the Immunize BC website, Canadians were originally told that the risk of acquiring COVID-19 vaccine-induced heart injuries such as myocarditis (Inflammation of the heart muscle), and pericarditis (Inflammation of the membrane that lines the heart), was around “1.7 in 100,000 doses of Moderna vaccine, and 1.1 cases per 100,000 doses of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for older children and adults.” However, the data shows injuries being much more prevalent in young males.
🧵Today marks a year since Aiden woke me up at 4:30 am complaining of chest pain and pain with inspiration.
— EmilyJo (@eekymom) June 12, 2022
He was 14.
It was severe enough to wake him up from sleep.
This was 2 days following his second Pfizer COVID vaccine 1/
In July, while being questioned on why Ontario was no longer recommending COVID-19 mRNA boosters across the board, Ontario’s Chief Medical Health Officer, Dr. Kieran Moore, advised the public that they would now be taking a risk-based approach to the role of the therapeutics.
“You want to make sure there is a very strong benefit versus a risk,” said Dr. Moore, adding that, “for an 18-year-old healthy individual, the risk of getting hospitalized if you have no underlying health illness is very, very, very low. We know there is a risk, a very small risk, 1 in 5000, that may get myocarditis for example.”
According to Dr. Kieran Moore, Thanks Ontario health minister, 1 in 5000 of those kids will get myocarditis. Blood on your hands, Trudeau. @JustinTrudeau #1in5000
— Viva Frei (@thevivafrei) July 14, 2022
While there are still no long-term studies on how safe mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are, new research and information is continuing to point out just how non-transparent big pharma may have been about the potential risks to taking their rushed-to-market injections.
Perhaps the most authoritative, the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) finally released its first set of “V-Safe” data (Vaccine Safety App Data) giving the public some more insight into the mRNA jabs, after multiple lawsuits aiming to compel them to do so.
CDC finally caves and hands over their V-Safe data.
— Hungry for Truth with Drea Humphrey (@DreaHumphrey) October 6, 2022
7.7% ( 782,900 people) out of the 10 million included in the data, required medical care after taking the "safe and effective" COVID jabs that so many have been coerced into taking.
As reported by Market Insider, out of the “approximate 10 million v-safe users, 782,913 individuals, or over 7.7% of v-safe users, had a health event requiring medical attention, emergency room intervention, and/or hospitalization. Another 25% of v-safe users had an event that required them to miss school or work and/or prevented normal activities” after being injected with COVID-19 vaccines.
Future readings of V-Safe data may give us more insight into how many of those who were hospitalized were youths. But a pre-print study out of Thailand, while relatively small, suggests that even Moore’s estimated prevalence of vaccine-induced myocarditis at 1 in 5000 may be underestimating the potential risks of post-mRNA vaccine heart injuries.
According to a peer-reviewed article, the study involved testing the hearts of 301 youths between the ages 13-18 both before, and a few times after they received their second Pfizer mRNA vaccine. Seven out of 301 kids, or one in 43, had some form of adverse reaction after they were inoculated. One youth had myopericarditis (a combination of both myocarditis and pericarditis), two had suspected pericarditis, and four had subclinical myocarditis, meaning that they were asymptomatic. While the heart is not an organ that can regenerate, the article also reports that day 14 testing of the youths’ hearts yielded no more signs of an adverse cardiovascular response.
Governments and big pharma constantly pitched the rushing of mRNA vaccines and the constant messaging to take them as something that was needed to protect those who are vulnerable. But will the Canadian government prioritize any of the $11.1 millions of our taxpayer dollars that they are forking over for research looking into whether these jabs are as safe as we’ve been told for our most vulnerable, our children?
Click on the full video to watch how MP Sajjan; UBC professor Mr. Leonard Foster; and UBC’s Associate Vice-President, Research and Innovation, Dr. Rachel Fernandez, answered my important questions regarding this matter.
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Drea Humphrey
B.C. Bureau Chief
Based in British Columbia, Drea Humphrey reports on Western Canada for Rebel News. Drea’s reporting is not afraid to challenge political correctness, or ask the tough questions that mainstream media tends to avoid.