Trudeau wanted regular updates of COVID positivity test rate... in the U.S.

Last summer, Justin Trudeau asked staffers for “daily briefs” on the percentage of positive COVID tests performed in the United States each day, a statistic which even the CDC wasn't tracking.

In an email sent July 28, 2020, Trudeau staffer Sabrina Kim wrote to Zoe Caron:

SUBJECT: Q from the PM re testing

...The PM requested the percentage of positive tests over the last 7 days in the U.S. (out of the total number of tests that have been conducted in the last 7 days in the country.) This info isn't readily available on the CDC website but maybe we can get a rough estimate off of some info elsewhere? Is there someone in PCO who might know if this is possible to acquire? PM said he would be interested in getting this info on a regular basis on his daily briefs, if possible.

Kim also forwarded the question to Aisling MacKnight at Health Canada, who provided a few links. The links were “not 'official per se but credible numbers in the meantime”.

MacKnight later followed up, stating that the Americans do not track the data requested by Trudeau:

PHAC response not super helpful, apparently US does not track that data. If you need it would reference the below with the important caveat they are not official numbers

You can read the full email exchange below.

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