Two Windsor cops face charges for alleged donations to Freedom Convoy
Constables Jason Michael Brisco and Brooke Fazekas are both facing misconduct charges, and one civilian employee will be suspended for one day without pay in relation to an allegation that they donated money to the Freedom Convoy.
During the Freedom Convoy to Ottawa, other protests popped up around the country, including one which took place at the Ambassador Bridge connecting Windsor, Ontario to Detroit, Michigan.
The Windsor Star reports:
“We hold our members to the highest standards of conduct and those who fail to maintain those principles must be held accountable for their behaviour,” said Deputy Chief Frank Providenti. “By choosing to support an illegal blockade at our country’s busiest border crossing, these members demonstrated a complete disregard for our city’s economy and reputation as well as for the safety of their own colleagues who were dealing with the volatile situation.”
...“The Windsor Police Service condemns the actions of two sworn members and one civilian employee who made donations to support the Freedom Convoy that blocked access to the Ambassador Bridge earlier this year,” said Providenti.
Frank Providenti was appointed to his position of Deputy Chief of Operational Support for the Windsor Police Service in April 2020.
Brisco and Fazekas allegedly donated $50 and $40 respectively, according to a leaked list of donors.
In February, Justin Trudeau's government froze bank accounts of convoy supporters using the Emergency Economic Measures Order under the Emergencies Act.
As previously reported by Rebel News, accounts frozen by cabinet order under the Emergencies Act totalled $8 million as of late February. The Department of Finance stated that donations as small as $20 could be cause for a bank to freeze a customer's account if the contribution was made after February 15, the date the protest was declared illegal.