The Truth About the War
At Rebel News, we don’t just cover the headlines — we break through the propaganda to expose the real story. While the mainstream media fumbles to explain the Israel-Hamas war, we’re delivering the truth, straight from the frontlines.
Avi Yemini, our fearless reporter, dropped everything and flew into the heart of the conflict. He’s been right there, in the thick of it, dodging rockets and bringing you the raw reality of what’s happening on the ground. No sugar-coating. No politically correct narratives. Just the brutal, unvarnished truth about the terrorists wreaking havoc on Israel.
On October 7, Hamas terrorists launched a bloodthirsty attack that left over 1,600 Israelis dead and hundreds kidnapped. But you wouldn’t know that from the mainstream spin, where Hamas is painted as the victim. That’s why Avi is there — to show the world what’s really going on. From the bombed-out streets of Sderot to the tense northern border with Hezbollah, Avi’s been capturing it all.
Every report, every video, cuts through the garbage narratives fed to you by mainstream media. Avi’s risking his life to bring you the facts, unfiltered and uncensored. Want the real story? Follow Avi’s reports in our campaign, The Truth About the War. This is the kind of journalism that the establishment doesn’t want you to see. We’re 100% viewer-funded, which means no corporate overlords are telling us what we can and can’t say.
Support independent journalism. Support the truth. Follow Avi Yemini’s reporting and share his message far and wide. Visit to see updates, and help fund this fight for real journalism.
This isn’t just another story — this is the frontline of the battle for truth.
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