Stop the War on Farmers!

Globalist-backed policies aimed at fighting climate change are being inflicted on our farmers.

Their net-zero nitrogen targets will force farmers off their land, limit fertilizer use, and force them to cull 30-40% of their livestock, which will result in sky-high food costs and supply-chain issues.

If you agree that the government and global elite's war on farmers must end, sign the petition.

Sign the petition to Stop the War on Farmers!

7,780 signatures
Goal: 10,000 signatures

Net-zero climate policies are waging war against farmers. If you agree that the government must stop the war on farmers, sign this petition.

Will you sign?

You can also follow all of our coverage pushing back against the war on farmers on this page.

Please help us stand up for farmers!

Rebel News is 100% viewer-funded. If you think it is important that we push back against the Trudeau government's proposed climate policies on farmers, please donate here.


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