Amish Reports
One of Justin Trudeau’s stupidest rules during the COVID lockdown was to force Canadians to use the ArriveCan app whenever returning to Canada, or face a $6,000 fine. There was no science behind it — it was just bullying and a cash grab.
But did you hear what Trudeau did to the Amish farmers? They don’t use the Internet, or even electricity. So imagine ordering the Amish to “download the ArriveCan app to their smart phone.” That’s what Trudeau’s border enforcers did.
The pandemic ended — not a single Amish got sick, they told me. But then one day, an Amish farmer went to the bank to get a loan to buy some cattle, and he offered his farmhouse as security. The banker told him he couldn’t use his farmhouse as security because the government had put a lien on it until the ArriveCan fines were paid! Other Amish farmers checked, and they had the same liens put on their property, too.
If you have a lien on your property, you can’t sell it, you can’t mortgage it, and you can’t hand it down. The Amish community was paralyzed by this brutal enforcement of the ArriveCan app, against people who don’t even have cell phones in the first place!
This is such an insane story, you’d think every journalist tin the country would cover it. From a human interest point of view, it’s fascinating — the Amish are unique; the ArriveCan app is scandalous for other reasons; the fines are astronomical, and putting a lien on a farmhouse, stopping the farmer from being able to operate, is a shocking and abusive act of government bullying.
It’s an incredible story. But we haven’t seen a single “mainstream” outlet talk about this at all. Is it because they all support the ArriveCan app? Are they hostile to the Amish? Or do they simply refuse to stand up for anyone who didn’t go along with Covidmania?
Rebel News broke this story this summer, and we’ve made the decision as a company to cover it in great detail. Every single court date, every single hearing, we’ll be there. Just like we covered all 47 days of Tamara Lich’s trial, we’re going to cover this epic battle between the shy Christian farmers and the bullies of the COVID enforcers. In a way, it’s our duty — because the Amish can’t speak for themselves, we have to be their voice for them.
It’s a difficult story to cover, since no-one from the Amish community will appear on camera. But we promise to cover everything that happens and tell it to you — and we’ll talk to the lawyers, too, as the battle begins. Please check back right here on this page for our latest reports!
If you think this is an important story that needs to be told, please help Rebel News cover the cost of sending a journalist and a cameraman to the courts every time this case moves forward, and to help these people tell their story to the world. (Thanks!)
If you would like to make a tax-deductible charitable donation to The Democracy Fund to cover the legal fees of defending the amish, please click here.
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Robin Naismith commented 2024-10-23 01:23:44 -0400I think what our government was doing to the Amish was Absolutely wrong because I think what everyone would call what our government was doing was nothing but straight up Bullying. You’d think a government like ours would be against this sort of Disgusting action