PETITION: Canada Stands With Israel!

12,394 signatures
Goal: 20,000 signatures

Please sign our letter of solidarity with Israel and its people. We will hand-deliver this letter to the Embassy of Israel in Ottawa, to let them know that Canada stands with them and against terrorism.

Will you sign?


Showing 2 Comments

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  • Robin Naismith
    commented 2024-10-31 04:55:26 -0400
    My message to all the R.C.M.P. detachments whom choose to side with groups like Hamas and other murderous radicals, all I can say to you all is that you are an ABSOLUTE Disgrace and you should be fired from your jobs and kicked out of Canada for being traitors to this country
  • Robin Naismith
    commented 2024-10-29 01:47:09 -0400
    Not surprised that the Corrupt R.C.M.P. would choose to stand with Terrorists