Take Back Our Streets!
As you know, last week I was arrested by the Toronto Police for “inciting” a breach of the peace. The cop who arrested me said my mere presence on a public sidewalk was illegal, because pro-Hamas protesters might get violent if I was allowed to stay there.
But it was easy for the cops to arrest me — I was just one person, and they knew I wouldn’t get violent, unlike the pro-Hamas mob.
Well that couldn’t stand. That’s not the law in Canada.
So I resolved to come back to that same weekly protest today, and I asked supporters to come, thinking that if 20 or 50 people stood with me, on the sidewalk, peacefully asserting our rights, that perhaps the police wouldn’t find arresting me the path of least resistance.
Imagine how happy I was to see 100 Rebel News supporters join with me, even though it was biting cold!
I feel so good about what happened. Not just because we reclaimed the right to walk on the sidewalk, and none of us were arrested, but that the atrocious policing precedent set last week was undone.
(Only time will tell if police will continue to obey the law, or they’ll revert to pressure from the Hamas gangs in the future.)
But for now, a huge win — for Rebel News, and for every Canadian that despises the past year of police allowing foreign gangs to run wild in our streets.
Which is one of the reasons we’re going to proceed with our lawsuit against the Toronto Police Service for arresting me last week. They need to be told, by a judge, that they can’t arrest people just because a Hamas gang threatens to be violent.
It’s crucial that we maintain the precedent we set today, which is why we still need to go to court.
If you agree, please help me crowdfund that lawsuit (thank you).
Today was a big victory — thanks to the Rebel News supporters from across Canada for standing up for me — and for the freedoms of all of us.
Ezra Levant
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Robin Naismith commented 2024-11-29 21:39:11 -0500I agree Don. The human race should of learnt the old lessons from WW2 on this,but it sadly seems that they are forgetting all about this,which means they are bound to repeat the pas over again and we all know what that is gonna lead to- Another War
Don Decker commented 2024-11-29 15:16:48 -0500They should never allow another holocaust again.