Tommy Robinson sentenced to 18 months in prison; will serve 9

In a devastating blow to press freedom, Tommy Robinson faces nine months in solitary confinement in one of the UK's most dangerous prisons for publishing his latest political documentary. Justice Jeremy Johnson’s severe sentence signals a chilling message to dissenters: those who challenge the government's narrative risk severe repercussions.

Freedom of speech received a huge blow today as Tommy Robinson was sentenced to 18 months in prison for publishing a political documentary called “Silenced”. He is expected to serve nine months.

After a short hearing, Justice Jeremy Johnson immediately delivered a lengthy sentence, appearing to be reading from a prepared script on his computer. The judge said he wanted to apply the maximum sentence of two years to Tommy, but there were certain rules that required the time to be reduced somewhat, such as Tommy’s decision to not contest his guilt.

Tommy was immediately taken away to Belmarsh prison, the most notorious prison in the UK, a high-security facility filled with terrorists and murderers. Tommy will be held in solitary confinement there, as the British prison system is controlled by Islamic prison gangs, and were Tommy in the general population, he would surely be attacked. Nine months in solitary confinement is an extremely unusual sentence, as it is generally considered to be a form of psychological torture, and many jurisdictions no longer permit it for that period of time. Tommy was not convicted of a crime; he is being held for civil contempt, yet he is being held in a prison for murderers.

Tommy’s defence lawyer, barrister Sasha Wass, KC, pointed out that unlike many cases of contempt of court, Tommy was not self-serving — he didn’t lie under oath, commit perjury or otherwise try to slyly benefit himself. The “contempt” in this case was publishing an investigative documentary into matter of public interest. That made the sentence even more shocking: in the UK, the government is now the final arbiter of what’s a fact and what isn’t, and a prison term awaits for those who are off-side.

A lot has been said in recent weeks about the UK’s lurch towards a two-tier justice system. Today’s punitive sentence is just the latest example of that — and it serves as a warning to anyone who would dare to criticize the government’s agenda. If they can jail Tommy Robinson, they can jail you, too. It’s an attempt to scare citizens into silence.

Tommy sent a note to me through one of his lawyers after court today, saying he’s fine. I’m heading home to Canada now. But I did promise Tommy I’d visit him regularly, to ensure that he is being treated reasonably well in prison, and I’ll report to you when I do. So I’ll be back soon.

Thanks for your help and support. If you think my journalism is an important counterbalance to the mainstream media, please take a moment to help me cover my costs to come to court today, including my economy-class airfare from Canada. (Thank you.)

Please donate to support our independent reporting of Tommy Robinson!

In the UK, deviating from the government’s approved narrative can now lead to prison terms, a chilling reality that threatens to silence dissent and reinforce a two-tier justice system. If they can jail Tommy Robinson for speaking out, no citizen is truly safe from retribution for criticizing government agendas. With Tommy banned from most platforms where he could defend himself, the mainstream media cannot be trusted to fairly represent his story. Rebel News believes the world must witness the truth about Tommy Robinson and understand the broader implications of his struggle. If you share our mission, please stand with Rebel News and help us cover economy-class airfare and budget accommodations in London for Rebel News to report on Tommy’s trials firsthand.


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Ezra Levant

Rebel Commander

Ezra Levant is the founder and owner of Rebel News and the host of The Ezra Levant ShowHe is the author of multiple best-selling books, including Ethical Oil, The Libranos, China Virus, and most recently, Trudeau's Secret Plan.


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  • Robin Naismith
    commented 2024-10-31 11:18:58 -0400
    Very well put Mark. I think all judges out there need to be re-questioned about there loyalties to REAL law because it seems like a lot of them are just WEAK individuals with NO Balls or Spines with standing up for the oaths that they took for becoming judges at all. Now, for your question Dave Van De Cappelle. I think Tommy Robinson does have some documentaries on Rumble
  • mark gatti
    commented 2024-10-28 19:21:18 -0400
    Can we put this case to amnesty international . I have no doubt the lords of law that penned all the actual foundations of English common L.A.W. transparency , priceless , blind, double edged ,a fragile thread, etc . [ the Inca’s executed corrupt judges ‘quis custodet ipsos custodies’ ,they had that one down ].are generating power in their graves !!??. Can we organize a judicial review ??. i am pretty sure a boll weavell would recognize a gross miscarriage of justice here ,[ I mean when even one or two american popular writers say things like ‘in an age of deception, telling the truth is revolutionary act ’ ,if even an american gets it ??, and pretty close to the mark I’d say …].with out even mentioning the treasonous breach of oath these judges are guilty of , incarcerating a free man without a ‘proper trial ’ is breach of oath , this is treason ,or at least sedition !?. How are his supposed legal ’re-presentors’ not pointing this ’fact in law ’ out ??. and,Could red cross be tapped to send in food parcels ?.
  • Robin Naismith
    commented 2024-10-28 19:09:54 -0400
    I really can’t believe a judge would do something this stupid to Tommy. Doesn’t he realize what he has just done is paint a target on his back because I am sure that there are gonna be many pissed off peoples at him and he is now gonna be a hunted man
  • Dave Van De Cappelle
    commented 2024-10-28 16:26:26 -0400
    Where can we watch this documentary?