We’re going back to Davos to confront World Economic Forum elites!

Right now, these masters of the universe are packing into their private jets to head to Davos, and we’re coming in right behind them with our Rebel News microphones in hand.

What would it look like if the World Economic Forum (WEF) ran a country? Well, look no further than Canada over the last nine years.

The WEF is an incubator for terrible ideas — from 15-minute cities to finding ways to convince you to eat bugs in the name of stopping climate change. When they say they want you to "own nothing and be happy," we should believe them.

Each year, the WEF hosts a meeting in Davos, Switzerland, between wealthy oligarchs, globalist politicians, and media elites who congregate at this tucked-away, mountain-top retreat to plot and scheme how to control our lives. That sounds dramatic, but that really is their plan.

Its founder, Klaus Schwab, has openly bragged about “penetrating” governments around the world with his star pupils. And he seems to have successfully done that here in Canada.

Justin Trudeau has been the poster boy of a WEF "Young Global Leader", injecting many WEF-inspired policies into Canadian law during his tenure. And now that he’s stepping down, two more WEF insiders, Mark Carney and Chrystia Freeland, are waiting in the wings to take over where he left off.

Right now, these masters of the universe are packing into their private jets to head to Davos, and we’re coming in right behind them with our Rebel News microphones in hand.

Only WEF-friendly media are allowed inside the security perimeter. But they have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for that privilege. They’re not there to report on the proceedings — they’re there to be a part of the club. That’s why they never ask critical questions. Independent journalists like us are banned — they know we’re going to ask tough questions.

But that won’t stop us from doing important accountability journalism on the streets of Davos. Each time we’ve gone, we've picked off the VVIPs outside as they shuffled between their meetings. It’s how we cornered Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla in this viral clip. That video was seen more than 20 million times. (No-one had ever laid a glove on him — until we did.)

Who will we find this year? The place is teeming with politicians, lobbyists, bankers and other related supervillains.

That’s why we’re bringing six Rebel News journalists to Davos to expose the truth about the WEF that the mainstream media won't. If you want to support our efforts, including helping us with the cost of our Airbnb, travel, and meals, please click here or go to WEFReports.com to pitch in towards our reporting expenses.

Unlike many of the high-rollers heading to Davos by private jet, we’re going economy all the way to keep our costs low. So if you can help, I’d be grateful — please click here (thanks.)

We’re putting all of our videos up on a special website at WEFReports.com. Make sure to check in daily next week for the latest from our team!

Despite our best efforts to keep costs down, going to Davos to do citizen journalism is extremely expensive. That’s because the WEF buys up all the hotel rooms and Airbnbs within an hour’s radius of Davos. But we think it’s worth it to go to expose their schemes — don’t you think?

Please donate to support our mission to shine a light on the World Economic Forum!

Rebel News is sending a team of six journalists and videographers to Davos, Switzerland to expose the global elites at this year's Annual General Meeting of the World Economic Forum. Our team is sharing a single economical Airbnb located an hour away from Davos, as every hotel room in the city is booked up by the elites. We're walking and taking the train to and from Davos daily to save money. Between economy class flights, the shared Airbnb, train tickets, meals, and a lot of coffee, this project will cost Rebel News more than $50,000. Please chip in to help us cover these costs so that we can bring you this exclusive reporting.


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Ezra Levant

Rebel Commander

Ezra Levant is the founder and owner of Rebel News and the host of The Ezra Levant ShowHe is the author of multiple best-selling books, including Ethical Oil, The Libranos, China Virus, and most recently, Trudeau's Secret Plan.


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  • Colin Cramton
    commented 2025-01-19 18:37:46 -0500
    I hope you see Alex Jones.
  • Bruce Atchison
    commented 2025-01-18 19:38:59 -0500
    This is what people ought to be watching. These elitists figure they know how to run our lives but they obviously don’t. Who appointed them rulers over us anyway? We all must tell these prigs where they can stick their big ideas.
  • Wade Collinge
    commented 2025-01-18 14:42:49 -0500
    I would not trust Zukerberg as far as I could throw him. He has sold his integrity for money, and should NOT be able to get it back