I just got out of jail. Here’s what happened — and what happens next.

Since when do foreign provocateurs, promoting a banned terrorist organization, get to veto who can and can’t walk on a sidewalk? Or which journalists can film a news story?

I was arrested today. Toronto Police handcuffed me, searched me, put me in a police car and took me to a jail cell.

Help us protect our Charter rights!

Rebel News Founder and CEO Ezra Levant was arrested for reporting on a pro-Hamas demonstration. He was arrested while standing on the sidewalk, holding a camera, and speaking with a police officer. We have already hired a lawyer, Leora Shemesh. Please donate here now to help us pay for Ezra's legal defence! We are also going to sue the Toronto police to protect journalists' Charter rights. This will be a big legal fight, and we need your support to afford to do it. (Thanks!)


None of that has ever happened to me before. I’ve never committed a crime in my life. And I didn’t today, either.

I was arrested because Toronto Police said I was “causing a disturbance”. But I wasn’t. I was quietly doing journalism — filming a grotesque pro-Hamas demonstration in a Jewish neighbourhood in Toronto.

It really was sick: they had someone reenacting Yahya Sinwar, the former leader of Hamas. They had a whole display on a sidewalk.

I live nearby and I wanted to film this astonishing act. It was as brazen as the KKK burning a cross on the lawn of a Black church. Except in this case, the police were defending the Klansmen. Bizarre.

One cop kept pushing me away, which I told him was inappropriate and illegal. But then the boss of the whole police operation — named Officer Macduff — told me that my mere presence there was a “disturbance”, because the Hamas people didn’t like me.

In other words, he was giving them a veto over my Charter rights. In my earlier analogy, it would be like police telling the folks inside the Black church not to antagonize the KKK outside, because they could get violent.

Since when do foreign provocateurs, promoting a banned terrorist organization, get to veto who can and can’t walk on a sidewalk? Or which journalists can film a news story?


I was finally released from jail. And the police wisely declined to press charges.

But I’m not done with them.

Officer Macduff was as plain as day. He said my Charter rights to walk on the sidewalk and film a public spectacle only go as far as these Hamas thugs say they go. Well, that’s not how it is. And I think he needs a judge to tell him that.

I’ve spoken twice to a top lawyer today, who agrees we’ve simply got to stop this. Canada is being ruined by these pro-Hamas thugs — you probably saw their full-out riot in Montreal over the weekend.

Someone’s got to stand up to them — and stand up to woke policing that permits this kind of mayhem on our streets.

So I’ve decided to sue the Toronto Police for violating my Charter rights, for being errand-boys of the Hamas thugs, and for not enforcing the actual laws to protect Canadian citizens. I’ll have more details in the days ahead — I’m still getting my bearings after being arrested and jailed.

In Trudeau’s Canada, journalists are routinely arrested and jailed.

Actually, scratch that. Only Rebel News journalists are routinely arrested and jailed. Which tells you everything you need to know: these are political decisions. They’re the result of two-tier policing. And that’s got to stop.

If you want to help me continue our journalism and push back at these illegal arrests, please click here. Suing the police is no easy thing — they have unlimited funds. But I think they need a judge to tell them what they’re doing is wrong, because Trudeau certainly won’t tell them, will he?

We’re already suing the police for arresting our reporter David Menzies FIVE TIMES this year.

But today’s arrest of me was particularly egregious, in that the commanding officer was crystal clear: the only reason he was arresting me is because the Hamas thugs were upset by my mere presence. Could you imagine allowing that to stand? Please click here to help me fight back. (Thanks.)

Help us protect our Charter rights!

Rebel News Founder and CEO Ezra Levant was arrested for reporting on a pro-Hamas demonstration. He was arrested while standing on the sidewalk, holding a camera, and speaking with a police officer. We have already hired a lawyer, Leora Shemesh. Please donate here now to help us pay for Ezra's legal defence! We are also going to sue the Toronto police to protect journalists' Charter rights. This will be a big legal fight, and we need your support to afford to do it. (Thanks!)


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Ezra Levant

Rebel Commander

Ezra Levant is the founder and owner of Rebel News and the host of The Ezra Levant Show. He is the author of multiple best-selling books including Ethical Oil and most recently, China Virus.


Showing 20 Comments

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  • Robin Naismith
    commented 2024-11-26 08:28:24 -0500
    Okay How Noway, I guess your now choosing to bat for the other team-which would be the Terrorist Murderers and if that is true,then don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out
  • How Noway
    commented 2024-11-26 07:36:20 -0500
    Please on god sake stop try to make the earth zionist they ain’t jew and will never be recognized AS ; even most popular rabbis in israel hate them and there is a reason : Hamas need to fight back israel since they are gettin land with illegit methods since +75 years stop bs with ur shitty website
  • How Noway
    commented 2024-11-26 07:35:13 -0500
    Simple as it is : Hamas is a resistant tree destroyed in +2014, then led by Nenyatou. If you’ll be able to read Hannibal’s protocol mentioning it is required not to negotiate for Israel’s life, you might understand Nenhyatou is a Black Sun agent also called “Cointel Pro”.

    I also unsubscribe, as it’s a fake RebelNews website, where there are no real clues as to what’s going on.
  • Robin Naismith
    commented 2024-11-26 01:23:49 -0500
    It’s an easy answer. The mainstream media Kisses the Liberal party’s Ass
  • Jerrold Lundgard
    commented 2024-11-25 23:42:58 -0500
    No mention in the mainstream media in Canada. I wonder why.
    Possibly because if mentioned they are next to be incarcerated?
  • Robin Naismith
    commented 2024-11-25 22:03:52 -0500
    It’s understandable indeed Bruce and I am sure this is happening in other places and cops are doing Absolutely nothing about this problem and it’s probably due to the Liberals telling them not to respond to any outsiders committing crimes because they kiss the Ass Palestinians & Hamas
  • Bruce Atchison
    commented 2024-11-25 17:59:25 -0500
    This makes me so angry. We have non citizens going into Jewish neighbourhoods and terrorizing them. Worse yet, the police do nothing but arrest the one Jew who was merely recording their grotesque display of their executed leader. Let’s not wait until it’s us in the jail cell for wrong think.
  • Robin Naismith
    commented 2024-11-25 16:22:55 -0500
    Yeah, the Disgracefull actions of the Toronto Law Enforcement Constabulary that doesn’t have the means to go out and arrest REAL criminals. They choose to go out and arrest innocent peoples whom aren’t committing any crimes at all. I say SHAMEFULL Toronto Cops, your a DISGRACE
  • mark gatti
    commented 2024-11-25 15:50:30 -0500
    Oh my , arrest with no actual lawfull/breach of the peace ? that be kidnapping , [ to take or hold someone without their consent ]. Please lay a charge against the blue clad gangster . We have been warned the outcome of the Zionist expansion may not be to everybody’s liking ,it is certainly a tangled web . Slaughtering children is not ok , training them to hate another race is just as bad , funding both sides is the winner though ,in the levels of evilness stakes .
  • Robin Naismith
    commented 2024-11-25 15:35:45 -0500
    Yes, you are certainly right about that Warren and I think these all these WEAK governments whom choose to continually perpetuate their Sick Crimes need to be sent a major wake up call and that is for all the peoples whom have woken up or are already awake to the disgusting/ Illegal behaviours of there governments need to take a Strong precise stand against them and make it known to there leaders that peoples will NO longer put up with there Garbage any more
  • Warren Maris
    commented 2024-11-25 14:43:12 -0500
    Understand this for what it is. It is a symptom of the management/elite class. They will ignore the value of freedom and what the law says is perfectly legal in order to minimise the potential of a “there and then” conflict. This is a perfect microcosm of managed decline. Culture is downstream of values and the elite don’t have values, they merely manage problems/decline created by the lack of values. The USA have rejected this by voting in Trump. Let’s see how that works out. If successful it may provide a template for some brave leaders to step forward. The only one I see is Poilievre in Canada. New Zealand & Australia seem to be completely devoid of such souls. Farage in the UK? Maybe, but the wholesale acceptance of the treatment of Tommy Robinson is deeply concerning.
  • Robin Naismith
    commented 2024-11-25 09:10:42 -0500
    So very true Catherine, our Corrupt government is an Utter Disgrace and NO ONE should trust them at all. Oh,and as for what you have said here Jerrold,clearly you are Not on the right side and are backing up government Criminals & Treasonious Scum
  • Catherine Ritchie
    commented 2024-11-25 08:33:04 -0500
    Oh Canada….what have we done. Calling in the emergencies act on truckers for a legitimate protest on government(canadian) overreach.Yet protests for war and vandalism and racial slurs originating from outside countries have been tolerated for months.
    Upside down and so political makes me sick to my stomach
  • Jerrold Lundgard
    commented 2024-11-25 05:25:15 -0500
    Ezra, you have no charter rights. 1) section 1 of the charter allows the government to place reasonable limits on rights. Placing a limit on a right means the right is no longer inherent and immutable – the core definition of a right – and the right is extinguished. The question a) can a police officer make this decision on the street? b) can a politician make this decision in a cabinet meeting c) Is Pierre Poilievre reasonable d) is Justin Trudeau reasonable? c) is Jagmeet Singh reasonable? e) are members of the Bloc Quebecois reasonable? f) is a police officer on the street reasonable? g) is a judge (a bureaucrat appointed by a politician with a bias in order to decide legal matters) reasonable? h) is Ezra Lavant reasonable?

    The other issue is that under RULE OF LAW the charter was never ratified by the province of Quebec and following RULE OF LAW the charter only has a “pretend” status in the Constitution as it does not meet the standard of approval of all provinces.
    The only purpose of the charter is an attempt to suspend or extinguish inherent and immutable rights that have existed for over 2000 years of Common law precedent by including a poison pill in the first paragraph of the charter. The rest of the charter is a partial list of existing common law rights and tenets that have stood for a very long time.
    There is a rule in governance – never give the government power that could be used against you after you lose the next election.
    Think of what Pierre Poilievre and the CPC can do with a charter that allows rights (inherent and immutable) to be suspended.
  • Robin Naismith
    commented 2024-11-24 23:44:39 -0500
    Well Grae, I think Law Enforcement corporation enjoy hiring Racist/ Bullying Scumbags whom don’t respect the police force or their laws at all. All there interested in money & Abusing powers
  • Grae McD
    commented 2024-11-24 23:25:44 -0500
    Why do police departments continue to hire lying corrupt psychopathic mental-midget tyrannical thugs with double-digit IQ’s? There’s no situation the cops cant make worse. FACT: Having a high IQ can disqualify you from becoming a police officer. If a recruit scores too high on the intelligence test, they are not hired because they are too smart to stay in a job appropriate for dullards, thus subjecting us to tyrants who are not bright enough to handle complicated situations.
  • Grae McD
    commented 2024-11-24 23:23:27 -0500
    This is what happens when you give tyrannical psychopathic morons the authority to arrest!
  • John Gillen
    commented 2024-11-24 21:43:24 -0500
    I passionately despise and abhor the Zionist Israeli government’s GENOCIDE of the Palestinians (I’m Jewish and the Jewish spirituality has NOTHING to do with the gov’t and policies of the state of Israel) – hating poltical activity and war crimes is NOT anti-Semitism! One thing has nothing to do with the other and trying to equate the two is bad for Jews and fuels anti-Semitism – cutting off the nose to spite the face!

    However, I just as passionately support your FREE SPEECH rights to peacefully counter protest and document your activities!
  • Ruth Bard
    commented 2024-11-24 21:29:47 -0500
    I think the TPS is going to regret this. They’re tangling with the wrong guy. Shiver git, Ezra!
  • no way
    commented 2024-11-24 21:17:56 -0500
    MCduff ripped from his dying mothers womb , his head hit a few rocks he thinks he is the law ? wtf h e is hired to enfoce the law , jot interpret it . Where do they get these bottom feeder cops , the local bar ?